Finishing the head

Wooble-yeah- you're almost done with Emilio's head! Just gotta learn how to put eyes in it, stuff it, and finish it off.

⚠️ If you're going to give this to a child younger than 3 or to a pet, don't use safety eyes! Safety eyes aren’t safe. Confusing, I know. You can embroider eyes on instead.

If safety eyes are a go, then put them between rounds 6 & 7, with 13 stitches in between them. The flat side of the backing should face the yarn. Watch the video below for a demo on how to count rounds and stitches, and put safety eyes in correctly:

Once you add the eyes, stuff your amigurumi:


Lastly, do an invisible fasten off and leave at least a 6-inch piece of yarn you can use to sew the head onto the body later: