Have you heard the buzz on our bee-witching new Busy Bee Bundle? Well, buzz on over, because it includes Cornelius the Bee, a tiny bay-bee, and a whole hive of un-bee-lievably adorable accessories!
You won’t be able to help pollen in love with each new look as Cornelius and his little mini-bee don their nurse hat, police hat, construction hat, aviator hat, queen crown, and fireman hat. Plus with their tiny book, apple, and briefcase, they’ll bee totally ready for anything. Even better, The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarn™ and step-by-step videos will help you fly through all those Beginner and Beginner+ skills that come your way. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get buzzy!
Can I really learn how to crochet from these kits?
You bet - over 1,000,000 people have learned crochet with The Woobles, and you can be next! Just follow the step-by-step video tutorials that come with each kit. Our beginner kits also come pre-started to get you over the first hump.
What’s included
- 1 Cornelius the Bee Beginner+ Kit with crochet hook
- 1 Tiny Baby Bee Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Tiny Nurse Hat Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Tiny Police Hat Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Construction Hat Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Aviator Hat Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Queen Crown Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Firefighter Hat Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Tiny Book Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Tiny Apple Beginner+ Accessory Kit
- 1 Tiny Briefcase Beginner+ Accessory Kit
Skill level
The only crochet kit designed for beginners

Comes pre-started
The hardest part is the start. That's why we get it out of your way.
All materials included
No additional supplies needed.
Beginner-proof yarn
The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarn™ is specially designed to enhance stitch visibility and reduce do-overs.
Videos for every step
Short and easy-to-follow for complete beginners.

The Woobles Difference

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