How to finish a row
To finish a piece crocheted in rows, fasten off and weave in the yarn tail. Weaving in the yarn tail means hiding the yarn tail behind a row of stitches, and looping it back behind another row of stitches. This will make it impossible for the yarn to move. If there’s a side that’ll be hidden from view, weave in the yarn tail on that side.
Step-by-step photos

1. After your last stitch, cut the yarn. Yarn over, and pull it completely through the loop. This should make a knot.

2. Thread a tapestry needle with the yarn tail, and insert it behind a few stitches in the last row.

3. Insert the needle behind a vertical stitch, so that you can make your way to the row below.

4. Insert the needle behind a few stitches in the next row, going in the opposite direction. Trim the yarn tail, and massage your piece until it becomes invisible.