Like bees to honey, we Minecraft-lovin’ Wooblers just can’t resist this bee-eautiful new bundle! Featuring a Minecraft Bee and a Tiny Potted Daisy, it’s full of bee-witching details that totally live up to the buzz—in fact, they may even have you crooning about a Daisy Little Thing Called Love.
With only Beginner and Beginner+ skills in the mix, this daisy-rrific duo is simpler than it looks, especially with the help of our step-by-step videos. Plus it comes with an un-bee-lievable custom hook, as well as special square eye pieces and plenty of variegated Easy Peasy Yarn™. So channel some flower power and prepare to get buzzy, ’cause we always keep things fresh when it comes to a Daisy Little Thing Called Love!
TM & © Mojang AB.
Can I really learn how to crochet from these kits?
You bet - over 1,000,000 people have learned crochet with The Woobles, and you can be next! Just follow the step-by-step video tutorials that come with each kit. Our beginner kits also come pre-started to get you over the first hump.
What’s included
- 1 Minecraft Bee Beginner+ Kit with custom crochet hook
- 1 Tiny Minecraft Potted Daisy Beginner+ Kit
Skill level
Beginner+, recommended for ages 12+
Righty? Lefty?
We've got you covered. Our pre-started beginner crochet kits work for both righties and lefties, and all Woobles crochet tutorials have both right-handed and left-handed versions.
The only crochet kit designed for beginners

Comes pre-started
The hardest part is the start. That's why we get it out of your way.
All materials included
No additional supplies needed.
Beginner-proof yarn
The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarn™ is specially designed to enhance stitch visibility and reduce do-overs.
Videos for every step
Short and easy-to-follow for complete beginners.

The Woobles Difference