Feelin’ foxy? Den this Wee Woobly Fox should be right up your alley! With black-tipped ears and a tiny tail, he’s more sweet than sly—not to mention pretty infoxicatingly adorable.
Not only will this Beginner+ kit guide you through all those wee woobly de-tails, but it’ll also teach you some fun new skills like color changing. Plus The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarn™ and step-by-step videos will make things even simpler fur you, though of course we’re always here to lend a paw if needed. So get ready for a foxin’ good time as you bring this furry new friend to life!
If this is your first time crocheting, start with a beginner learn-to-crochet kit instead. Accessory kits are not designed to teach you how to crochet.
What's included
- Step-by-step video tutorials
- The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarnâ„¢, custom-made for beginners
- Stuffing
- Pattern as a PDF download
You'll also need a 4mm crochet hook, which comes with any beginner crochet kit.
The only crochet kit designed for beginners

Comes pre-started
The hardest part is the start. That's why we get it out of your way.
All materials included
No additional supplies needed.
Beginner-proof yarn
The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarnâ„¢ is specially designed to enhance stitch visibility and reduce do-overs.
Videos for every step
Short and easy-to-follow for complete beginners.

The Woobles Difference