What’s cuter than a wee woobly marshmallow? Why, three woobly marshmallows, of course! So hurry and scoop up this set of Tiny Marshmallows that’s just perfect for Joe the Coffee Mug or any other Wooble that needs a sweet lil’ topping.
As a Beginner kit, this trio of toasty treats is fantastic for newbies, especially with our Easy Peasy Yarn™ to help you avoid snarls and snags. What’s s’more, our step-by-step videos will make everything so fluffin’ simple that you’ll float right on through with no problems. So what are you waiting for, marsh darn it? Grab that hook and start wooblin’!
If this is your first time crocheting, start with a beginner learn-to-crochet kit instead. Accessory kits are not designed to teach you how to crochet.
What's included
- Step-by-step video tutorials
- Stuffing
- The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarnâ„¢, custom-made for beginners
- Pattern as a PDF download
You'll also need a 4mm crochet hook and a yarn needle, which come with any beginner crochet kit.
The only crochet kit designed for beginners

Comes pre-started
The hardest part is the start. That's why we get it out of your way.
All materials included
No additional supplies needed.
Beginner-proof yarn
The Woobles Easy Peasy Yarnâ„¢ is specially designed to enhance stitch visibility and reduce do-overs.
Videos for every step
Short and easy-to-follow for complete beginners.

The Woobles Difference